About Govas

GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.  



Meeting on Thursday 23rd November 2023 COMMENCING AT 7.00 pm



1. Welcome by the Chair

2 Apologies for Absence


3. Approval of minutes of last AGM held on 2nd November 2022(attached)


4. Matters arising from minutes


5. Notification of AOCB


6 Management Committee Annual Report
Verbal presentation


7 Treasurer’s Report and Balance Sheet
Financial Statement Attached

8 Election of Management Committee Members


10 Date of next AGM