
Dear {name of your MP}

I am writing to you as a constituent and as a {delete as applicable} parent, school governor/trustee, governor/trustee who started out as a parent governor, as a parent governor.

The ‘Educational Excellence Everywhere’ white paper proposes that the government “will no longer require academy trusts to reserve places for elected parents on governing boards”.

I oppose this because:

- I do not want academy trust boards to become small groups of self-appointing, like-minded people distant from the schools they govern

- The requirement to elect parent governors ensures sound governance by helping to retain a healthy diversity of views, backgrounds and perspectives on academy trust boards

- Parents have much to offer as governors, including professional skills and knowledge of the school and its community, which is useful for a governing board

- Electing just two parents leaves ample space on the board for others interviewed for particular skills and experience to join as well.

In a recent National Governors’ Association poll of 1200 governors and trustees, almost 45% started out as parent governors, giving a good indication that elections are a vital pipeline for new governors and trustees.

I realise that elected parent governors, although highly valued by parents, are not elected to represent parents. Nevertheless, they are clearly well placed to act in the best interests of all children, be effective in holding the trust CEO or headteachers to account, and to support the development of the board’s strategic direction.

I agree that schools should improve the way in which they engage with parents, but this is a completely different issue from reserving places for elected parents to govern.

I will therefore encourage any academy that I'm involved with to keep places for elected parents. Will you pledge your support with me for keeping elected parents on academy trust boards?

Yours sincerely,

{Your name}.