
Govas in partnership with Stockport LA  -Conference 17th of March 2018

See below for the workshops that will be available on the day

1  Finance  The latest update  -Pete Hughes LA -Workshop Slides -

This session will provide an insight to the latest developments/news relating to Schools Funding (both nationally and locally), including implementation of the national funding formula (NFF), School Budgets and local management of the dedicated school grant (DSG) and the sustainability position of the high needs block.

2  Wellbeing  -Tanya Cross and Catherine Johnson

This workshop will look at the importance of Emotional Wellbeing as a whole school priority.

Schools have an important role to play, acting as a source of support and information for both students, staff and parents. Governors have a key role to play in ensuring that Emotional Wellbeing features within improvement plans, policies, curriculum and the culture and ethos of the school.

The workshop will cover the following

3  Helping governors to understand statutory guidance, the SEND code of practise and the LA inspection of SEND.-Cathy Lyall

Helping governors to understand statutory guidance, the SEND code of practice and the LA inspection of SEND.

4  Managing Governor Performance -Andy Kent -Worksop Slides-

Governors and trustees are required to ensure there is an appropriate policy in place for teacher and headteacher performance management, and are directly involved in applying this for headteachers, as well as making pay decisions for all teachers based on the headteacher's recommendations arising from this process. But what about the performance of individual governors/trustees, all of whom are volunteers?
This workshop looks at why performance management for governors is now an issue that is up for discussion and the possible barriers to making it happen effectively. The final part of the session looks at practical ways to develop and approach a positive governor performance process and culture.

Poverty, Disadvantage and Education - What we know – Alan Beswick/Carl Emery -Workshop Slides-

This workshop will examine how poverty shapes educational attainment and offer research driven responses to tackling some of the deep rooted inequalities experienced by children.

6  Curriculum Design and Improvement in Primary schools -Lynn Perry/Howard Bousfield/Clive Taylor -Workshop Slides -

This workshop will help governors to understand the Ofsted perspective around a broad and balanced curriculum. Governors are encouraged to think about the types of questions they need to ask to ensure a consistent approach to curriculum design.