About Govas

GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.  


For information on who the "schools Forum" is and what they do -click this link - - See more at: http://www.govas.org.uk/index.php/news/132-schools-forum-newsletter-9-march-2015#sthash.S3UvJYSb.dpuf
For information on who the "schools Forum" is and what they do -click this link - - See more at: http://www.govas.org.uk/index.php/news/132-schools-forum-newsletter-9-march-2015#sthash.S3UvJYSb.dpuf
For information on who the "schools Forum" is and what they do -click this link - - See more at: http://www.govas.org.uk/index.php/news/132-schools-forum-newsletter-9-march-2015#sthash.S3UvJYSb.dpuf

Welcome to the 10th edition of the Schools Forum Newsletter........In this issue, we are including key points from the Schools Forum meeting held on 21 May 2015 particularly; Education Capital update, Audit & Risk Management, 2014/15 School Balances, SFVS and Schools Forum operational matters. A full copy of the minutes will be made available via the Council web-site in due course, see section 12 below.
Schools Forum Meeting 21 May 2015 – Key Points

1. Matters Arising from 19 March 2015 Meeting minutes

No matters arising – Minutes accepted as true and correct record.

Report presented as tabled
Discussions: Stephen Bell presented a short Power-point presentation to provide Schools Forum members with an overview and update on all the current schemes ongoing (i.e. Arden, Oak Tree, Warren Wood, etc.) and latest available information on schemes planned for the near future both at LA level (i.e. St Thomas CEP) and those successful in the bidding process for the PBSP both phase 1 (i.e. Abingdon, Werneth, Bridge Hall & St Johns CEP) and Phase 2 (i.e. Hazel Grove PS, Cheadle Primary and Great Moor Junior).
Details relating to any new funding streams available following the General Election are still unknown at this stage.
Stephen then further illustrated the impact of the current increased cohort of pupils in primary sector and the expectation/forecast of "levelling off" over the coming years at approx. 3,600 per year group and how this growth will emerge/transfer into the secondary sector in the next 5-10 years and the need for the LA to duly create extra capacity in readiness for the flow of pupils.
Decisions: N/A

1. Schools Forum members to note the report.

Report presented as tabled
Discussions: The report provided detail of the latest audit reviews; including information/analysis of the key findings completed over the past twelve months in schools and outlined the thematic reviews to be undertaken in 2015/16.
1. N/A

1. Schools Forum members to note the report.

Report presented as tabled

Discussions: The report provided an update on the 2014/15 year-end reported position in relation to the three insurance scheme policies administered on behalf of schools by the LA.

Decisions: A short discussion was held in relation to the BoR insurance scheme surplus (£0.139m) that remained within the overall reserve balance for specific projects previously agreed with Schools Forum (see section 3.5 of report) and it was agreed option 3 would be processed (i.e. allocate remaining surplus alongside the current 2014/15 operating surplus reported)

1. Schools Finance allocate the 2014/15 operating surplus as per figures provided in Appendix 1 and also allocate the additional £0.139m relating to the BoR scheme on same per pupil basis to the appropriate schools.

No report tabled for this agenda item.

Discussions: Peter Hughes provided a brief verbal update on the 2014/15 final out-turn position reported

(i.e. £0.9m net surplus, adjusted for

c. £0.6m of carry-forward requests approved), providing an adjusted position of £0.3m that has been transferred into the General DSG Reserve.

1. N/A – non-required

1. Peter Hughes to provide a more detailed formal update to members at the next meeting.

Report presented as tabled

Discussions: The report provided a summary of the 2014/15 final school balances position as reported at 31 March 2015 and detail of the schools which have an "excessive school surplus balance". The Local Authority has recently written to all the schools reporting a year-end excessive surplus balance and a further update report on the position of claw-back will be presented to members at the next meeting.
1. N/A

1. PH present further update report at next meeting.

Report presented as tabled

Discussions: Emma Johnstone (Schools Finance team) provided a summary of the 2014/15 position relating to school self-assessment returns, including information on best practice and/or areas of concern emanating from the LA facilitation service provided to some schools and an update on the additional questions being added to the process from 2015/16 by the DfE.

1. N/A
1. Schools Forum members to note the report and share content with their wider representative group.

Report presented as tabled

Discussions: Peter Hughes presented a brief report that provided an analysis of all the schools funding formula models applied at Local Authority level across the country and comparison to the Stockport model.

1. N/A

1. Peter to review the data relating to the LAC factor and funding levels applied and ascertains any information as to why the Stockport funding level is the only formula factor that seems below the average/low in comparison.

Report presented as tabled

Discussions: Peter Hughes presented a report with detail of the updated Schools Forum Operational & Good Practice Guide Book distributed by the DfE in March 2015 and a review undertaken of the Stockport Schools Forum Terms of Reference (ToR) document and operational matters in light of the updated guidance.

1. Stockport ToR document to remain unchanged in relation to all Constitutional and organisational matters
2. Section 4.5 of the report provided information on a number of recognised national good practice items by the DfE relating to the effectiveness of the Schools Forum, following discussions it was agreed to implement / explore the following further:
• Share Chairperson details with other Local Authorities to facilitate discussion, collaboration and/or networking;
• Improve communication to members when minutes of meetings have been published;
• Assess option of providing an annual report on the proceedings of the forum;
• Provide members with the direct link to the Schools Forum section on Council web-site
3. Schools Forum members approved/supported the recommendation at section 4.6 of report relating to LA officers, Chair & Vice Chairperson assessing the Schools Forum operations against the new DfE self-assessment toolkit.
1. Peter Hughes to co-ordinate actions relating to decisions listed at No.2 above
2. LA officers and Chair/Vice Chair meet and complete the Schools Forum self-assessment toolkit and report back to members in due course.

10. SCHOOLS FORUM – Schedule of Meetings and Training
Report presented as tabled

Discussions: N/A

Decisions: Proposed dates for the 2015/16 academic year were accepted.

1. Peter Hughes ensure all key personnel/members diary dates accordingly

11. Any Other Business:

12. Where do I find Schools Forum Information?

The Schools Forum meetings are held, administered and clerked in accordance with any other council meetings and the minutes are recorded and presented on the councils web-site alongside all Schools Forum business matters (i.e. reports), please find link below:


13. Schools Forum Contacts:

Schools Forum Clerk: democratic.servicesatstockport.gov.uk

Schools Forum Chair:
Paul Carter – Governor at St James School paulmilescarteratgmail.com

Schools Forum Service Director:
Phil Beswick, Services to People Directorate phil.beswickatstockport.gov.uk

Schools Forum Finance Officer:
Peter Hughes, CSS Manager, Finance Peter.hughesatstockport.gov.uk