About Govas

GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.  



NEWSLETTER 30 – July 2019

The Schools’ Forum (an elected group of Head teachers, Principals, Governors and other associated members) is the key decision making and consultative group required by DfE regulation which oversees/governs all financial and administrative matters relating to the Schools Budget financed by the dedicated schools grant (DSG).

The roles and responsibilities of the Schools’ Forum can be found in the new short guide recently updated by the DfE in March 2015


The DfE has identified as part of their review of Schools’ Forum that effective best practice relating to Schools’ Forum and its operational duties includes communication to all the wider stakeholder audience of the business matters discussed and decisions made. (i.e. ensuring all decisions made at forum are duly recorded and shared).

To enhance communication with the wider school audience, the Local Authority will produce a brief overview newsletter of the discussions/views, decisions made and agreed actions in relation to all business matters after each meeting and distribute to stakeholders via the following means:

  • Office on-line;
  • Council’s web-site (see below link);
  • Govas web-site;
  • Schools Finance monthly newsletter; and directly
  • To all Schools’ Forum members


Welcome to the 30th edition of the Schools’ Forum Newsletter……..

In this issue, we are including key points from the Schools’ Forum meeting held on 11 July 2019 particularly; DFE SEND Call for Evidence consultation, 2020/21 Local Formula (Primary), DSG Review and Schools’ Forum membership. A full copy of the minutes will be made available via the Council web-site in due course, see section 8 below.

Schools’ Forum Meeting 11 July 2019 – Key Points


Item 7 School Places – further discussions have taken place via the SMP board and additional information will hopefully be available early in the new academic year.

Item 10 DSG Review – Actions resolved and further verbal update provided (see section xx below)

Item 11 School Insurance Scheme – An update will be provided at the September 2019 meeting on the matters arising.

Item 13 SFVS – Training dates have been set up for the autumn term as below:

30 September – Annual Introduction to SFVS (New Governors/School Staff)

16 October (10am – 12 Noon 2 x 1hr sessions) – SFVS update and introduction to the new dashboard.



Report presented as tabled


Peter Hughes outlined the consultation content (28 questions), links provided in report and the timelines involved and links to the forthcoming comprehensive spend review (CRS) announcement due in autumn 2019.

Schools encouraged to engage, multiple submissions of the same response would only be counted once by DFE.

Initial LA draft response provided for cross reference/use by schools considering submitting a response. Members agreed to acknowledge the initial draft, work with governors, etc. in relation to their individual responses and PH provide any updates in due course.



  1. Acknowledge the current draft response provided and use to assist at an individual school level as appropriate.


  1. Schools’ Forum members to note the report; and
  2. LA officers to provide copy of final LA submission.

Report presented as tabled and noted


The report focused on the issue of the national funding formula (NFF) model “soft” years and the previous decision following consultation in autumn 2017 to retain the local model for both 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial years.

Since such agreement the “soft” formula years has now been extended to 2020/21.

LA outlined that it would prefer not to review the model at present, await CSR information and further detail relating to any planned move to a “hard” NFF model.

  • Request that LA ensure all external providers are compliant with “ethical” procurement requirements (i.e. adherence to teachers pay and conditions); and
  • Quality assurance should not just rely on Ofsted judgements alone (i.e. LA should undertake some appropriate “spot checks” on providers).

Decisions: N/A

Schools’ Forum members agreed and supported the above plan with the caveat that if “soft” NFF was extended for another temporary one year into 2021/22 a further report would be presented to members for consideration.


  1. Schools’ Forum members to note the report.

Verbal update


Bev Milway and Peter Hughes provided update on the work streams identified following the initial Schools’ Forum DSG Review meeting in June and the first meetings of the “3 x expert focus groups” will be held week commencing 15 July. Invites, membership details and terms of reference have been provided to all relevant individuals.

Further internal works will be developed over the summer holiday period and the Schools’ Forum DSG Review Group re-meets 17 September 2019 ahead of the next full Schools’ Forum meeting 3 October 2019.

 Decisions:  N/A


  1. Schools’ Forum members to note the update;
  2. PH provide details of membership of 3 sub groups to all SF members

Report presented as tabled


Discussions: N/A

Decisions:  N/A


  1. Schools’ Forum members to note the report; and
  2. Primary and Academy representatives to discuss the current two vacancies with their wider sector colleagues and inform PH of replacements.

Report presented as tabled


Discussions: N/A

Decisions: N/A



  1. Schools’ Forum members to note the report.

Alan Beswick provided an update in relation to the new Interim Director of Education (Stephen Nyakatawa) who will formally commence his new temporary role from September 2019.

The Chairperson thanked Alan Beswick (current Interim Director of Education) for all his hard work and supported and wished him a long and happy retirement on behalf of the forum.

  1. Where do I find Schools Forum Information?


The Schools’ Forum meetings are held, administered and clerked in accordance with any other council meetings and the minutes are recorded and presented on the councils web-site alongside all Schools’ Forum business matters (i.e. reports), please find link below:
