About Govas

GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.  


All schools are facing challenging times financially and making better use of the available money we have is going to be a key theme for some time. As well as the support from the LA, there is a lot of information out there. The DfE have produced resource packs and NGA have recently announced training workshops. As we revealed at the Conference, we have put on a workshop on Financial Efficiency and it took take place at Priestnall School on Wednesday July 5th at the CafĂ© Mersey. It was run in conjunction with the GOVAS AGM, which was as brief as ever.  The workshop was led by a practitioner (Dawn Boyles biography see below ) skilled in presenting, so we have been working with the National Association of School Business Managers and one of their trainers, Dawn Boyes, who is a School Business Manager, who delivered the workshop.

DAWN BOYES (Biography)

Is Business Director at Keswick School, a multi academy trust in Cumbria. She has extensive experience as a school business professional with experience of working in a grammar school, an inner city secondary and a rural secondary.

She worked as part of a demonstration project, developing the role of SBM across two primary schools and also worked with other secondary schools to look at best practise in developing procurement models across schools.

From 2008-2013 she was an SBM Advocate for the NCTL and since 2014 has been an Associate Practitioner foe the NASBM. Dawn is currently working as the lead employer developing the School Business Director Apprenticeship which it is hoped will be available by September 2017 and is working with ILM on development of their new suite of School Business Qualifications.


For all those who attended the slides are available here now