About Govas

GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.  


Chairs, and governors,  may or may not be aware that the both primary and secondary Stockport headteachers' consortia are promoting "A Day of Positive Action by Stockport Schools" on Friday 12th October 2018. The aim is to highlight the impact on childrens' education of the funding pressures all schools are facing in the Borough, with Stockport continuing to be one of the lowest funded Council's for schools in England. A letter from Stockport headteachers will be in your school (copy here), and they are hoping heads will encourage parents to write to and talk to their local MP to share their views and any concerns.

GOVAS has been asked to encourage Chairs and governors to discuss the day of positive action with their headteacher and be supportive of suitable school based consideration of how to best raise the concerns about school funding,  and look further into how more funds could and would enhance the learning experiences for our children.

Andy Kent ( GOVAS CHAIR)