About Govas
GOVAS works closely with the Stockport Children and Young People Directorate, but we are a fully independent association of governors affiliated to the equally independent National Governors Association. Every governor in Stockport is automatically a GOVAS member (as long as your institution pays their subscriptionof £10.00 PA)and our Management Committee is made up exclusively of serving volunteer governors in Stockport’s schools – nursery, primary secondary and special. Our biggest strength is our links with all the school governors in Stockport through our newsletter, special communications, and this website.
CAPT’s Turn off technology for safety poster competition
We know that serious accidents happen when pressures mount and parents are distracted. Technology can be a major distraction for many of us. But what does it say to our children when we are glued to our devices? And how much added pressure does technology place on busy family life?
CAPT’s Turn off technology for safety poster competition is open to anyone working with children or families. The competition is a fun way to encourage children (and their families) to think about when technology is a good thing and when it is good to turn off and keep safe. For practitioners it’s not always easy to find fun ways to get safety messages across. When the messages are coming from children themselves, they become far more compelling. What’s more, the turning off technology message is something the whole family can get behind.
Taking part is easy,
Simply sign up to Child Safety Week 2016 - here -. Then we’ll send you an email just as soon as the competition is ready to download.
Send in your child’s or group’s entries by Friday 13 May to enter the competition. Don’t forget to include your details too for a chance to win.
• Children can win one of four prizes of £25 of high street vouchers.
• YOU can win one of four prizes of £50 worth of CAPT resources for your organisation to use for Child Safety Week 6-12 June 2016.
The winners will be announced during Child Safety Week 6-12 June 2016.
All entrants have the chance of having their artwork featured on the CAPT website and Facebook page in the run up to and during Child Safety Week
Conference Presentations
These presentations are in powerpoint format and can be openened with Microsoft Powerpoint or /Libre Office (free)
Room 106 - Building Conficence
Schools Forum Newsletter 14 January 2016
The School Forum who are they and what do they do click here for further information
Welcome to the 14th edition of the Schools Forum Newsletter……..
- 1.Pre-Agenda Training/Development Session
Peter Hughes provided a short presentation to members on the role of Schools Forum and how the dedicated schools Grant (DSG) funding framework operates.
Presentation material enclosed
- 2.Matters Arising from 10 December 2015 Meeting minutes
Minutes accepted as true and correct record.
Matters arising:
Item 7 Early Years – Peter Hughes to arrange meeting of Phil Beswick, Glenda Brocklehurst and himself to visit David Marshall (Primary HT representative) about reducing numbers in LA maintained nursery provision and financial viability issues.
Report presented as tabled
Discussions: Peter Hughes presented brief report which provides the outcomes of the DfE consultation launched in autumn 2015
Govas meets –> William Wragg MP
On December the 11th GOVAS met William Wragg, MP, to get to the bottom of the funding review recently announced by the Government and what effect it will have on schools in Stockport
Stockport is one of the lowest funded Authorities in the country (for info click here f40) William has recently been campaigning for a fairer funding system in education, he took this to the House of Commons recently ( for info click here), andthe Government has listened and has agreed to review the funding system in light of the points that have been raised. A consultation will start soon and we need Stockport Governors to send a uniform message back to government. It is fair to say that while Stockport might get a bigger piece of the pie there will be others that may get less pie/funding so the overall anticipated gain may not quite be what people may expect. Other representative groups, such as for the London boroughs, will be fighting equally as hard to preserve their current funding levels, so it really is important that we all engage with this process and make sure our voice is heard.{jcomments off}
Schools forum Newsletter 13 December 2015
The School Forum who are they and what do they do click here for further information
Welcome to the 13th edition of the Schools Forum Newsletter……..
In this issue, we are including key points from the Schools Forum meeting held on 10 December 2015 particularly; Early Years update, Terms of Reference/Membership update, Scheme for Financing Schools 2015 proposed amendments, DSG Review Group update and the 2016/17 Budget. A full copy of the minutes will be made available via the Council web-site in due course, see section 12 below.
Schools Forum Meeting 10 December 2015 – Key Points
1. Matters Arising from 22 September 2015 Meeting minutes
2016 Stockport Governors’ Conference
We are pleased to confirm that next year’s Conference will be at Marple High School on Saturday 12th March, from 8.45am - 1.15pm.
The theme of the conference is ‘Better Together’ and we have changed the format from recent years. This time we will have a key note speech, covering Ofsted and the new framework, which will include opportunity for questions from the floor. In addition, there will be one set of workshops, covering themes such as:
- The role of Teaching Schools & the benefits of schools working together
- Safeguarding/Online Safety/PHSE
- The role of IT in schools
- Assessment; Reporting; Recording at Primary & Secondary levels
- Stockport Family
- Finance - a look at the possible impact of the national fairer funding formula on Stockport schools
Once the workshops are confirmed, we will notify you and open up the booking system. Our aim is to have at least one member from the governing board of every Stockport school attending the conference, so please make a note of the date and make sure that it is discussed at your board meetings.
Best regards,
Stu Foster
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